Finance, accounting, statistics, and budgeting are some of the primary foci for those working in healthcare management. Virtually all healthcare management degree programs feature a course in accounting; however, the course may also include lessons in finance and other details related to medical budgeting.
It traditionally takes four years to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care Management. It takes an additional two to four years for a Master’s Degree after completion of a Bachelor’s Degree. To obtain a Doctoral Degree most candidates will spend about eight to ten years in undergraduate and graduate training.
A career in the healthcare management field is a good choice for those who want to work in a business or managerial capacity within a healthcare setting. Career options are vast and there is a huge demand for educated healthcare service managers. With the right education, you can chart out a great career in this field.
Overall, a career in hospital administration is very lucrative and isn’t too time intensive. Some programs can be completed in as little as two or three years. Considering the cost of education and the salary received as a hospital administration, it is obvious that the degree is worth the time and money.
Health services administration may be one of the most stressful jobs around. These top executives work long hours managing budgets and employees. Stress levels vary, depending on the size of the institution. … According to Wiktorowicz, a lot of an administrator’s stress comes from funding issues.
- Cardiovascular surgery. Average revenue: $3.7 million. …
- Cardiology (invasive) Average revenue: $3.48 million. …
- Neurosurgery. Average revenue: $3.44 million. …
- Orthopedic surgery. …
- Gastroenterology. …
- Hematology/Oncology. …
- General surgery. …
- Internal medicine.