The remarkable challenges of training for a career in cardiovascular medicine demand a robust didactic program coupled with diverse clinical experiences and academic and research opportunities across the broad spectrum of the discipline. The New York University School of Medicine Training Program in Cardiovascular Disease combines all of these characteristics to offer an exceedingly competitive fellowship program that attracts more than 500 applicants each year. We fill our six training positions from an interviewed group of approximately fifty candidates.
The Training Program in Cardiovascular Disease offers two educational pathways, the traditional three-year Clinician-Educator Pathway and the four-year Physician-Investigator Pathway. Both Pathways teach a basic curriculum in clinical cardiology that includes rotations through clinical laboratories and services predominantly during the first two years of the program. Dedicated learning experiences in electrophysiology, echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, stress and nuclear cardiology provide the procedural training required by today’s practitioners of cardiovascular medicine. Rotations through the coronary care units, the consultation services, the inpatient cardiology services, the heart failure service, and the weekly continuity clinic serve to hone the fellow’s expertise in diagnosis and patient management. The program offers elective time for training in preventive cardiology, interdisciplinary imaging techniques, cardiovascular surgery and vascular medicine. Mentored investigation is integral to all years of training. In addition to our Training Program in Cardiovascular Disease, the Division of Cardiology also offers a number of advanced fellowship training opportunities.
Our campus comprises the NYU Langone Medical Center, the Bellevue Hospital Center and the New York Harbor Veterans Administration Medical Center (Manhattan Campus). The geographic array of our institutions is arguably unique, forming a true half-mile biomedical corridor fronting New York’s First Avenue and the East River. The number of our patients, the breadth and depth of their health problems, and their diversity of gender, ethnicity, culture and socio-economic background combine to offer an outstanding educational experience.
In 2007, the Training Program was granted six years of full accreditation without citation and was complimented by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education as a “highly productive research and clinical program.”
Program Goals and Objectives
- Our Training Program offers a comprehensive educational curriculum designed to teach the requisite skills and data set for becoming a consultant of the highest caliber in the general field of cardiovascular disease. Our graduates will be highly desirable and competitive applicants for advanced training in the subspecialties of cardiovascular medicine.
- The Program proposes to train individuals as leaders in the field of cardiovascular disease, whether that is in the realm of clinical practice, clinical investigation, bench research, medical education or academic administration. Placement of our graduates as academic faculty at recognized centers of excellence in medical education is an important objective.
- While pursuing these goals, the Program teaches a broad curriculum of cognitive knowledge and numerous procedural skills based on a principle of progressive responsibility. It provides a template of practical experience whereby the trainee can develop the requisite interpersonal communication skills, professional attitudes, and humanistic qualities.
- Our Program imparts an altruistic professionalism to its fellows, strongly enhanced by the diversity of our training environment consisting of a private university hospital, a federally administered veterans hospital and the flagship hospital of the largest municipal hospital system in the country. Our service to the underserved has a rich tradition dating back to 1851 with the founding of our medical school and its subsequent affiliation with Bellevue.